Saturated in soul and marinated in the love of music comes The Quickening out of New Orleans, LA. After parting ways with the Flow Tribe in 2012, guitarist and song writer Blake Quick has assembled a panel of musicians that have enhanced the meaning of "feel good music." Prepare to be blown away by the luscious vocal pairings between the stunning Rachel "Mama Ray" Murray and Quick. The two have a chemistry that boils with excitement and defies the term "frontman" into one cohesive partnership. The rhythm section, coupled by Cody Ruth on bass and Scott Sibley on drums, seem to have a marriage to the groove that Quick lays down. Some think the two are married themselves, they've been playing so long together. The rest of the band is a revolving door of sorts; always welcoming colorful textures to the band by including horns, pedal steel guitar, and various other woodwind and string instruments. The band has already made a huge impact in the New Orleans community and are eager to spread the word like butter across the US.
(Quick·en·ing): 1: to make alive; 2: to come to life; especially: to enter into a phase of active growth and development ; 3: to shine more brightly.
(Quick·en·ing): 1: to make alive; 2: to come to life; especially: to enter into a phase of active growth and development ; 3: to shine more brightly.